Well, I've been back from Atlanta for a week. To catch up those who don't know, I was in Atlanta for a poultry conference (yes, get your giggles out now). I had to present some very important findings from the first half of my research on Monday. Then, we were there until Thursday morning and the rest of the days I took in the meetings, the people and the sights of Atlanta and proceeded to get my name out there in the poultry industry. I had a lot of fun and made some really great contacts. It renewed my excitement for all of my research and getting my M.S. done. Speaking of that, I've finally gotten a ballpark date for my comps (for those who don't know, in order to get a M.S. degree, you have to pass an exam given out by your committee and then write and defend your thesis), my date is around the first of March. So I need to get crackin on studying!
Other than that, I'm a crappy blogger. I think about blogging a lot, but just never get around to it, and for that my followers I apologize.
Anyway, since the weather has decided to be halfway decent (and I mean temperature wise) I've been getting in a lot more riding lately. Charlie is coming along nicely and hopefully I'll be able to show him this year. Keep your fingers crossed.
Oh, and a large piece of news that I need to share. Mark has recently decided that he (and by defalt, I) are financially prepared to buy a house. So, now we embark on the daunting task of finding one that fits us. I'll be sure and keep you posted on what we like and what we end up with. In order to get the tax credit, we have to move kinda quick (by April 30), so hopefully we will find something quick. Oh, and for those who read this as a sign that we will remain in Lincoln for ever and ever are wrong! Haha, since I'm getting my Ph.D. and we will be here for about 4 more years, it makes more sense for us to buy and then sell when I get a job rather than rent for 4 years.
Other than the above, that is whats new in my life. Let me know whats happening in yours! Leave comments, I love to read them, but only the nice ones, no mean ones please:)
Happy Days!