Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Newest Addiction

Since the remainder of the summer will consist of writing my thesis and analyzing data, that leaves me with a lot of time to go crazy and surf the web. Since I'm planning my wedding right now, I've discovered a new addiction that I've created for myself. I love, I mean LOVE looking at different wedding blogs and different photographers blogs for weddings.

I mean, you have no idea, I love looking at all the pretty pictures with real life people who look so magical on their wedding day that they look like movie stars. Everyone that surrounds these magical people look like movie stars too, its like some aura that the married people put off. It never ceases to amaze me how these people look.

One of my favs is www.weddingchicks.com, they have such chic and wonderfully simple looking weddings on their site. The types of weddings I really want to pull off but of course, I will fall short of their professionally planned soirees.

On this blog site are some of my favorite photography sites, they are listed on the main page on the right hand side. My photographers are also featured on their site, if you look under Nebraska, they are the Leekers. Their blog is fab as well, they are kinda new to the whole wedding thing but the few wedding pics I've seen on their blog I love. Their blog site is www.theleekers.com/blog.

I love looking at dresses, I want to see my flowers, I got my DJ booked (and even in dramatic fashion, beating out another bride!), I have my place and I even have my invites picked out (I think). I have nothing to do now, zip, nada, nothing, except keep working out.

Speaking of working out, its going great! Even though I have to get up at the break of dawn to go three days a week its totally worth it! I'm already seeing results and so I can't even imagine how I will look a year from now (not to toot my own horn or anything).

Oh, and the house is finally coming together! I love the color of my bedroom and bathroom. Its a color called soft denim, its a lovely blue that adds a punch but isn't overwhelming. Its a neutral blue that a lot of bright fun accent colors will be able to go with. I'm excited to have some money saved up to buy a new comforter and stuff for it.

I need to get the guest room (also called the green room) into shape and fast, we have friends coming! Katie, Anessa and Dom are all coming for a visit and I'm excited to see them!

Ok thats all for now, have a great Tuesday everyone!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Bebe!!

BAM! As promised in the last post I have uploaded pics of Harley. He is so sweet and fitting right in and is learning manners even though I can tell its hard for him. We took him down to the lake last weekend for the fourth and I think he is still recovering.
Other than that, nothing else is really going on, I'll get in the mood to write one of these days I promise just not right now:)
Peace out home slices!