Hey! Well I did it, I ran my first half marathon! It was the most mentally challenging 2 hours and 29 minutes of my life, but I did it. It was so much fun that I think Jill, Eric and I have Mark convinced that he needs to try it next year. It was also so fun and addicting that I signed up for a 10K at the beginning of June the goal being that I need to keep running until the wedding. I also want to keep running after the wedding, so hopefully I can keep the motivation going.
School is going well, we are really busy. Its so funny, the summer is when most people think I slow down and have a whole bunch of time on my hands when actually its the opposite. We are starting a bunch of new studies right now and getting everything set up for my study along with two other people's studies. Its crazy right now but once birds are in and everything is done we will wonder why we freaked out so much.
As for horse showing, its on hold right now:(. There is a show this weekend in Fremont I would love to go to but it just didn't work out. I won't show again until August but hey that is ok, its hard because showing can consume you but I have to keep everything in perspective and realize that its not just me anymore. Its ok though, I wanted to get my feet wet again this year and hopefully next year go out and show a lot more. I would really love to hit up some of the bigger shows, but we will see what I can afford and if my mom ever teaches me how to drive the rig.
Other than that, wedding planning is chugging along. Its about to get nuts up in here, but I'm really excited for it!
That is all I have for now, peace out!