Wednesday, December 23, 2009

As Requested

Patty!!!!! She's sticking her tongue out at me!
Charlie eating his peppermint and over me taking pics of him, sorry buddy!

Peppermints are how I trick Charlie into doing things for me.....haha, they are his fav treat!

I heard that I need to put up more blogs about Charlie, so here we go! Today, I went to school and worked in the lab for half the day and I decided that I'm not going in tomorrow as I originally planned as the weather is supposed to be crappy. So, I left school, went back to my apartment ate lunch and then I decided to find a corn chowder recipe to fix for dinner tonight. Then I thought, I need to go ride Charlie! So I went out to the barn and rode him for the first time in a long while, and he was such a good boy! He was so happy to see me and I was so happy to see him! I need to get him his Christmas present (a very large bag of peppermints) so I can give it to him on Friday! I love my pony, and I took some pics of him today. Please excuse all the hair, its that time of year ya know:)
Sorry about the pics are all over the place, I got tired arranging them....enjoy!!!

Charlie when I first saw him today:

Getting Charlie ready to go ride....

Notice the purple boots...Charlie likes KSU 'cuz his momma went there!

Above is what it looks like when you are riding Charlie:)

Below is Charlie after our ride, he is so over it....

Monday, December 21, 2009

I just had the best lunch EVER!

I just had the best lunch ever! First, the company was superb (my little sis, Laura) and then I had a really good beer (Moose Drool Brown Ale), then....then....the best sandwich that has ever walked into my life entered my tummy.

The best sandwich was called Beef and Brie, and I had Wisconsin Cheese Soup with it in a bread bowl. Talk about a lunch that will leave meat on your bones! It was awesome. All at a place called BisonWiches in downtown Lincoln. No, they don't serve Bison, I asked Laura before we went. BEST SANDWICH EVER!

That right there was the best part of my day.

Happy Wedding Jessica! I had fun and I hope you are having a good time in Florida!

That is all I have to say for today, BisonWiches=love/obsessed with!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Biochemistry State of Mind

Since its finals week and both of my classes center on biochemistry (feel free to make a gagging sound), I thought I would tell the world something fun, well not fun but interesting I learned this semester.

Its why on campus you can clearly spot the freshman girls, as they are all skinny and don't have the veloptuous curves the older girls do. And by veloptuous, I mean the bike tires they have around their bellies.

Its why alcohol makes you fat.

You see, when you drink, alcohol is broken down initially by alcohol dehydrogenase, it then goes through a series of reactions to produce an intermediate named acetyl CoA. This is an interesting molecule as it can be put through a cycle to generate energy (which is probably why Katie runs around a lot when drinking, and why I like to dance like no ones watching). However, when this begins to build up (aka after you decide to do a keg stand and then proceed to take 3 shots after), the body has waaaaaay to much to process and put thorugh this energy cycle. Becuase of this, it is converted to an intermediate called malonyl CoA, this is not a good intermediate, its evil, its the beginning stages of Fat synthesis. This will then go through another series of reactions and produce something called a fatty acid, which can be then stored. Its stored in fat cells, which grow and grow and grow because you are making so much fat.

The fact that you eat Gumby's Pokey Sticks when you get home doesn't help this fact either.

Sorry to bore you, but thats why you get fat through college when you drink.

However, would I ever trade my weight gain for the memories I have? Thats a big Hell No!

Oh well, thats enough biochem for everyone to last normal people a lifetime. Just thought I would share what I'm studying with the world.

After my biochem final I'm going out for a drink, anyone with me?


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Its Finals Week....

Its finals is the time where you should be focused, prepared and all around the most awesomest student you will ever be.

Yeah, thats not me.

Now is the time I develop new destracting addictions, generally lose interest in anything that has to do with class, and I just want to sleep.

Speaking of addictions, here are my winter addictions:

Poke fun if you want, you just don't understand the addicting nature of it. Plus, its really fun if you play with your mom! Call me if you want me to send you a free trial run, you'll discover the fun!

This is my chirstmas present from Mark, awesome as it may be, Super Mario Kart + Finals Week= Dana doesn't study, haha!

There are always the horses too! They are a year around addiction!

Edited to say the following:

Those blogs parents create about their 6 month old child named Jimmy (or whatever their names are) are weird. If you want to create a blog about your family's adventures I'm all for it, hell I'll probably follow it. However, for you to start a blog about your kid (who is 6 months) and told like a kid who is 6 months is creepy. Stop, please, just stop.

That is it for this. Off to study!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I started this for Katie Franke

I'm starting this blog mainly for my good friend and PIC (partner in crime for those who don't know), and the lightning to my thunder Katie Franke.

Katie, this blog is for you.

She told me this weekend that I need to start blogging about my chickens and general adventures in Lincoln with my horses (which she is mildly obsessed with). She also told me that I need to include Mark (Didde), my roommate and boyfriend, and my other partner in crime. I have like three of them, just to let you know.

My other PIC is Riley (Zarda) Dull, she is the sneak to my stealth, however I don't get to see her very much since she got married and moved away from me. This makes me sad to think about, so I'll stop typing about that and post some fun pics of us from the past:)

So, below are some fun pics of the people mentioned above, horses, chickens and my dog, Mr. Angus, and some other random ones:

These are the ponies, Patty and Charlie. Patty is the one that looks pissed off, Charlie is happy:)

This is Mark and our good friend, Sean Hafferty, Mark looks very serious in this pic.
Katie, this is for you, and Jamie, I'm sorry:)

This is Riley, she's pretty awesome!

This is my dog, Mr. Angus, he's a badass

Edward Cullen=my sister's stalker

CHICKENS!!! duh, have to include them in every post!