Its why on campus you can clearly spot the freshman girls, as they are all skinny and don't have the veloptuous curves the older girls do. And by veloptuous, I mean the bike tires they have around their bellies.
Its why alcohol makes you fat.
You see, when you drink, alcohol is broken down initially by alcohol dehydrogenase, it then goes through a series of reactions to produce an intermediate named acetyl CoA. This is an interesting molecule as it can be put through a cycle to generate energy (which is probably why Katie runs around a lot when drinking, and why I like to dance like no ones watching). However, when this begins to build up (aka after you decide to do a keg stand and then proceed to take 3 shots after), the body has waaaaaay to much to process and put thorugh this energy cycle. Becuase of this, it is converted to an intermediate called malonyl CoA, this is not a good intermediate, its evil, its the beginning stages of Fat synthesis. This will then go through another series of reactions and produce something called a fatty acid, which can be then stored. Its stored in fat cells, which grow and grow and grow because you are making so much fat.
The fact that you eat Gumby's Pokey Sticks when you get home doesn't help this fact either.
Sorry to bore you, but thats why you get fat through college when you drink.
However, would I ever trade my weight gain for the memories I have? Thats a big Hell No!
Oh well, thats enough biochem for everyone to last normal people a lifetime. Just thought I would share what I'm studying with the world.
After my biochem final I'm going out for a drink, anyone with me?

I don't really have a lot to say to this post except thanks for the info. I didn't know all that! Interesting stuff (waaay better than soils). I can't wait to see you at the wedding!