I just had the best lunch ever! First, the company was superb (my little sis, Laura) and then I had a really good beer (Moose Drool Brown Ale), then....then....the best sandwich that has ever walked into my life entered my tummy.
The best sandwich was called Beef and Brie, and I had Wisconsin Cheese Soup with it in a bread bowl. Talk about a lunch that will leave meat on your bones! It was awesome. All at a place called BisonWiches in downtown Lincoln. No, they don't serve Bison, I asked Laura before we went. BEST SANDWICH EVER!
That right there was the best part of my day.
Happy Wedding Jessica! I had fun and I hope you are having a good time in Florida!
That is all I have to say for today, BisonWiches=love/obsessed with!

I think we should eat there when I come in January!!